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Why Are People flocking to Idaho?  

Specifically, what gems does the Treasure Valley possess that draws people of all ages?  Not a year goes by that Boise, Meridian, Eagle, and the surrounding cities land on the list of best places to live.  We think we know why, but you will have to find out for yourself.  Just keep in mind, typically the only regret those who move to Idaho from California is that they did not move sooner.  

It’s never only one thing.  It’s a myriad of small things about a location that add up to either freedom, or frustration.  It’s not the way it looks, the weather, or the people.  It’s all of them as well as how they are configured together that forms attitude and environment making it miserable or refreshing.  Idaho has a winning combination.

Idaho has traditional American values still sought after by young and old alike.  There’s a level of relaxed friendliness that is reminiscent of California 40 years ago.  While it caught us off guard on our first visit, it’s common for neighbors to sit on the front porch and greet others out for a stroll.  Even perhaps talk with them . . .with no other alternative interest but to express interest in another human being.  Why does this seem odd to us?  This is what we had to ask ourselves.  Needless to say, we found joy in quickly adjusting to this “new” social norm by joining neighborhood barbecues, parading on July 4 and adjusting to having our neighbors show up at our door with homemade raspberry jam from the vines down the street (yes, forcing ourselves to fit in is tough sometimes!)